DATED 3-2-2017

Launch of Appeal Register & CSR Module of Income Tax Business Application (ITBA)

This is in reference to the subject mentioned above. The functionality for generating the Central Scrutiny Report (CSR) on orders of CIT(A)/ITAT/High Court is now available in Appeal Register & CSR module of ITBA.

2. The Appeal Register & CSR module of the ITBA can be accessed by entering the following URL in the browser:

The path for the module is: ITBA Portal Login Modules Appeal Register & CSR

3. The CSR module has been designed primarily based on the CBDT's Instructions No. 4/2011, 7/2011 & 8/2011. Following functionalities shall be available through ITBA - Appeal Register & CSR Module:

A. Appeal Receipt Register

On receipt of an appellate order1 the PCIT or HQ. & Staff of PCIT shall enter the basic details of such order in the Appeal Receipt Register, maintained in the office of the PCIT. The period of limitation for filing of further appeal will be based on date of receipt of the Appellate order in the office of the PCIT.

Following functions can be performed in the Appeal Receipt Register:

B. CSR on CIT(A) Order:

Following are the steps to prepare CSR on CIT(A) Order:

C. CSR on ITAT Order:

Following are the steps to prepare CSR on ITAT Order:

D. CSR on High Court Order:

Following are the steps to prepare CSR on High Court Order, where appeal is proposed to be filed by preparing Proforma B:

4. MIS and Dashboard -

i.   MIS: There shall be a facility for viewing and generating various MIS in respect of this module. The MIS is accessible through module home page. The AO and its staff, Range and its staff, PCsIT/CsIT, HQ and staff of PCsIT/CsIT, HQ & staff of CCIT, can view and generate MIS reports.

The path for the same is Appeal Register & CSR Home Page MIS Reports

ii.  Dashboard: The dashboard is available through module home page. The AO and its staff, Range and its staff, PCsIT/CsIT, HQ and staff of PCsIT/CsIT, and HQ and Staff CCIT, have facility to view the dashboard. The path for the same is Appeal Register & CSR Home Page MIS Reports Dashboard

5. It is requested that the relevant Officers may henceforth use the Appeal Register and CSR module as made available in ITBA, for processing second appeal/Appeal before higher judicial fora.

6. Relevant users will need their individual name based department email IDs and RSA tokens. The username and passwords will be communicated on their respective email ID. The log in to the system will be through the username and password (sent on individual email ID) along with the RSA token over the Taxnet nodes. Users are advised to contact their respective RCC Admin for name based department email ID.

7. Users on Windows XP system are advised to download the Chrome (version 43) or Firefox (version 36) browser (if unavailable) from ITBA Portal Download Pre-Requisites to access the new ITBA application.

8. Users are advised to contact helpdesk in case of any issues in respect of the ITBA.



URL of helpdesk -



Help desk number - 0120-2811200 (new); 2770120-2772828 - 42 (old)



Email ID - helpdesk



Help desk Timings - 8.30 A.M. - 7.30 P.M. (Monday to Friday).

9. Training material including user manual, help content and frequently asked questions (FAQs) are available on the Appeal Register & CSR Module Home Page and on ITBA Portal Online Training on ITBA. User can click on the Online training functionality to access the following: User Manual, Frequently Asked Questions, and a Power Point Presentation to understand how to use the Appeal Register & CSR module. Screen shot depicting access to the Online Training facility on CSR module is as follows:



1. It may be noted that any Appellate order uploaded by the CIT(A) in ITBA shall be visible to the relevant Assessing Officer and Pr CIT based on the PAN jurisdiction. However, to take care of the situation during the transition period from a manual to system enabled CIT(A) environment, the facility to enter the Appellate Order details by the O/o Pr. CIT has also been provided. If the Appellate order is available in the system, then the CSR process can be commenced immediately by selecting the appropriate Appellate Order. The limitation date would however commence only upon the receipt of the certified signed copy of the Appellate Order in the O/o the Pr. CIT, till the time digital signature is introduced for CIT (A).